Hereby, according to art. 13 and 122 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”), and pursuant to the provisions of the General measure of the Data Protection Commissioner of 8 May 2014 to inform that this website, whose owner is WeBBasic, it makes use of cookies.



Cookies are information that can be stored on your device (smartphone or computer) when you surf the Internet. Thanks to cookies, the server sends information every time you return to this site to allow optimal navigation.
Cookies are used in fact to improve your browsing experience and provide information to the site manager on the use that you’re doing in order to obtain statistical information, a usage profile and advertising messages in line with your interests.



Cookies are strictly necessary or even called Technicians
They are essential to navigate the sites and use all its functions, such as access to the Reserved Area. Without these cookies would not be possible to provide the services requested. These cookies are not used for commercial purposes.

Cookies Performance
Collect and analyze information about the site by visitors (page views, number of visits, time spent on the website, etc.) To provide a better browsing experience. This type of cookie does not collect any information that can identify you in some way. All information collected is anonymous and used only to improve the use of the site. These cookies are not used for commercial purposes.

Cookies Functionality
They allow you to “remember” the choices you have made and customize the site content in order to improve the service rendered to you. All information collected may be anonymous.

Advertising cookies or profiling
This type of cookie is used to customize the commercial information based on your interests in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown during navigation. These cookies store what you’ve visited on a given website and related information can be shared with other parties.

Third Party Cookies
These cookies are set by a site other than the one you are visiting (the so-called third-party). Cookies can be of different nature: strictly necessary or technical, performance or performace, functionality and advertising or profiling.


Our site uses Google Analytics to gather anonymous statistical information about visits made by users. The use of these cookies does not require the explicit approval from the user but we make it known through this page, extensive disclosure under that law.
We also use cookies Social Network for sharing buttons and follow. It is needed to run the widget’s social network Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Youtube.

As aforesaid, the website works best if cookies are enabled.
You can decide not to accept the use of your device (computer or smartphone). To do this go to the “Preferences” section of your browser. For information on how to change your cookie settings select below the browser you are using:
Internet Explorer
Disabling third party cookies is also possible through the procedures made available directly from the company said third holder for treatment.
To make the opt-out from social widget you can find information here:

Useful Sites
To check your settings currently used we recommend the following link:

This page is visible through the link at the bottom of all the pages of the Site in accordance with art. 122 seconds paragraph of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and following the procedures simplified information and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Official Gazette 126 of June 3, 2014 and its record of the action 229 of 8 May 2014.

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